Home visitor s handbook for the Head Start home-based program option - Google Книги

Home visitor's handbook for the Head Start home-based program option

Стр. 24 - activities in a Head Start classroom, community facility, home, or on a field trip. The children are to be supervised by the home visitor with parents observing at times and actively participating at other times. ‎

Стр. 40 - an average caseload of 10 to 12 families per home visitor with a maximum of 12 families for any individual home visitor ‎

Стр. 41 - written plan that includes: i) the goals for children's development and learning, 2) the experiences through which they will achieve these goals, 3) what staff and parents do to help children achieve these goals, ‎

Стр. 24 - The purpose of these socialization activities for the children is to emphasize peer group interaction ‎

Стр. 41 - what staff and parents do to help children achieve these goals, and 4) the materials needed to support the implementation of the curriculum. ‎

Стр. 37 - It was founded in 1981 at the Bank Street College of Education in New York City by Dr. James A. Levine and relocated in 1989 to the Families and Work Institute. ‎

Стр. 29 - must have knowledge of community resources and the skills to link families with appropriate agencies and services ‎

Стр. 37 - a national research and education program that is examining the future of fatherhood and is developing ways to support men's involvement in ‎

Стр. 35 - Miller, K. (1989). The outside play and learning book: Activities for young children. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House. ‎

Стр. 39 - conduct a Community Assessment within its service area once every three years ‎

Библиографические данные

Название Home visitor's handbook for the Head Start home-based program option
Авторы United States. Head Start Bureau , Early Head Start National Resource Center (Washington, D.C.)
Издатель DIANE Publishing, 2004
ISBN 1428925430, 9781428925434
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 55
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan

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