Fortnite - Millenium

Fortnite - Millenium

Fortnite : Battle royale

Le Battle Royale Fortnite a été créé par Epic Games. Sorti en 2017, le jeu est disponible sur PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S & X, Nintendo Switch, Android et iOS. Si vous aimez le parachutisme, les buissons et que vous avez une passion pour le bricolage, vous êtes ici chez vous. Retrouvez tous les guides, les défis, les astuces et toute l'actualité pour être imbattable sur le terrain

Quand pourra-t-on jouer au Chapitre 5 de Fortnite ?

La fin de l'événement Big Bang signe le début du chapitre 5 de Fortnite ! Retrouvez ici la date et l'heure de l'arrivée de sa Saison 1, ainsi que les dernières infos sur le statut des serveurs et la maintenance de la traditionnelle mise à jour.

1 • il y a 1 heure

Vous voulez exercer votre sens des affaires et devenir le plus riche dans divers mini-jeux ? Cette section de maps créatives est faite pour vous. Vous retrouverez ici les codes pour entrer sur les meilleures cartes en Créa 2.0.

• 04 sep 2023

Sorti récemment sur Steam, Only Up a donné des idées aux fans de Fortnite ! Et la terriblement populaire chute de Squeezie sur le jeu, de plusieurs milliers de mètres, n'a fait que galvaniser les créateurs ! Voici les meilleurs codes de maps Only Up sur le BR, et toujours 100% gratuits !

• 26 jui 2023

Il aura fallu un certain temps à Epic Games pour enfin officialiser le mode classé de Fortnite. Mais la feature arrive enfin pour de bon ! Pourra-t-elle raviver la hype compétitive du BR et gommer le vide laissé par le ronflant mode Arène, ou bien arrive-t-elle trop tard ?

1 • 14 mai 2023

Fortnite s'apprête à basculer dans une nouvelle saison, et comme à son habitude, Epic Games a lancé la machine à teasers. Le nouvel opus commence déjà à se dessiner, mais si vous attendiez surtout un event live pour le Jour J, vous risquez d'être déçu.

• 23 aoû 2023 Fortnite Chapitre 4 : news, défis, missions et challenges Echiquier Fortnite Maps horreurs Map OG Atlas Creative Map Reboot Royale Fortnite : FNCS, Champions Series Qualifications #3 Heats Finale ultime Finale saisonnière Dernières actus

Pour clôturer le Chapitre 4 et enchainer avec la première saison du Chapitre 5, Fortnite fait les choses en grand. Epic Games convie Eminem pour un concert événement live, avec un show qui pourrait bien égaler voire surpasser celui de Travis Scott en avril 2020.

1 • il y a 1 jour

On peut être l'un des réalisateurs les plus connus au monde, et passer ses nuits sur un jeu vidéo ! Celui a qui l'ont doit Watchmen ou encore 300 a révélé être un grand fan de Fortnite, et qu'il n'avait pas à rougir de son niveau sur le Battle Royale d'Epic Games.

• il y a 2 jours

Quand vous jouez à Fortnite, votre but premier est de dézinguer un maximum de joueurs et de tenter de décrocher un top 1. Mais la communauté souhaiterait faire une trêve le 2 décembre prochain, une trêve motivée par une très bonne raison.

• il y a 3 jours

Si depuis quelques jours maintenant les joueurs de Fortnite sont de nouveau plongés dans l'une des premières map avec Fortnite OG, voici qu'un fan du Battle Royale a créé une map du titre en version monde ouvert. Il faut dire que le résultat est assez plaisant.

• il y a 6 jours

Si l'on sait déjà qu'Eminem débarquera très prochainement dans Fortnite, il n'est pas la seule star qui foulera bientôt l'île du célèbre Battle Royale. Selon un récent leak, un nouveau mode de jeu mettant en lumière Linkin Park mais aussi Lady Gaga (rien que ça) pourrait bientôt être ajouté.

• 24 nov 2023 Derniers guides

Pour faire la transition entre les chapitres 4 et 5, Epic Games s'est offert les services d'un artiste de renommée internationale : Eminem ! L'event live du "Big Bang" commencera en effet par un show virtuel du rappeur. Et les joueurs pourront même acquérir son skin dédié !

2 • 23 nov 2023

Envie de gagner un maximum d'EXP sans faire d'efforts ? Epic Games a caché sur la réédition de la map OG pas moins de 10 nains de jardins à collectionner. Chacun d'eux vous rapporte 20 000 points d'expérience. Voici tous leurs emplacements cette saison.

• 09 nov 2023

Déployer un objet Soirée pizza à l'une des places fortes de Thorne est un défi de la saison 4 du chapitre 4 de Fortnite. Ici, vous allez devoir imiter une scène de la cinématique saisonnière, et vous infiltrer avec une pizza encore chaude dans l'un des endroits les plus dangereux de la map.

• 18 sep 2023

Pour cette saison du chapitre 4 de Fortnite, le thème est le casse du siècle ! Plutôt logique qu'on ait donc des challenges qui nous demandent de voler des objets. Pour ce défi, vous avez rendez-vous à une Place Forte de Thorne.

2 • 18 sep 2023

Fouiller des sacs de braquage fait partie des définis inédits portants sur les nouvelles fonctionnalités de la Saison 4 du chapitre 4. Voici les emplacements des sacs de braquage sur la map, accompagnés d'astuces pour ne pas être dérangés au cours de la complétion du challenge.

2 • 29 aoû 2023 Fortnite : skins, planeurs, pioches et emotes

Retrouvez toutes les tenues et les divers objets légendaires, épiques, rares et atypiques disponibles sur Fortnite Battle Royale.

Où trouver un Croupier sur la map de la nouvelle saison ? 28 aoû 2023

Fortnite Creative 2.0 : avec le code map Reboot Royale, le Chapitre 1 est enfin jouable ! 25 mar 2023

Tout savoir sur les skins Fortnite ! 31 jui 2023

10:54 Quand pourra-t-on jouer au Chapitre 5 de Fortnite ? 09:00 A quelle heure faut-il se connecter pour assister au concert événement sur Fortnite ? 10:00 "J'étais plutôt bon à Fortnite", l'un des plus grands réalisateurs au monde a passé des nuits entières sur le battle royale, et on connaît même son skin en jeu 20:45 Une trêve sur Fortnite ? C'est ce que les joueurs veulent le 2 décembre prochain, et il y a une bonne raison à ça ! 12:30 "Ça a l'air génial", ce fan de Fortnite crée une carte du Battle Royale version monde ouvert qui impressionne les autres joueurs 11:00 Ce leak suggère qu'un tout nouveau mode de jeu sera bientôt ajouté à Fortnite, et il devrait mettre en lumière Linkin Park et Lady Gaga ! 12:45 Comment obtenir le skin Eminem sur Fortnite ? 11:45 Un nouveau Trou Noir bientôt sur Fortnite ? Ce qui est sûr, c'est que le bouleversement sera total après cet événement 18:45 "Ce ne sera pas qu'un simple concert", pour son événement de fin de saison, Fortnite convie une superstar encore plus célèbre que Travis Scott ! 20:30 "Il était esclave de son contrat", l'un des plus gros streamers Fortnite aurait signé un contrat ultra abusif avec Twitch

Eminem выступил в Fortnite — геймеры остались недовольны

Eminem выступил в Fortnite — геймеры остались недовольны

Eminem выступил в Fortnite — геймеры остались недовольны

2 декабря в Fortnite прошел виртуальный концерт рэпера Eminem в честь завершения четвертой главы. Звезда исполнил треки Lose Yourself из ранней карьеры, а также Godzilla из более поздних записей. За выступлением Маршалла Мэтерса наблюдали более 11,6 млн игроков.

Многие фанаты Fortnite и Eminem остались разочарованы концертом. Перед самим выступлением Eminem разработчики представили тизеры будущих коллабораций и нововведений, а во время самих треков у игроков была возможность поучаствовать в ритм-игре. Несмотря на это, в социальных сетях пользователи отметили, что выступление Eminem оказалось слишком коротким — непосредственно на исполнение треков ушло около трех минут от всего концертного времени. Геймеры посчитали, что разработчики их подвели — многие фанаты распланировали вечер, чтобы посетить шоу Eminem, и надеялись на более продолжительное развлечение. Изначально в трек-листе были заявлены сразу несколько композиций, включая The Monster, Rap God и Venom, однако они не попали на ивент.

Это не первый концерт, который прошел в Fortnite. Ранее в «королевской битве» выступили диджей Marshmello, рэпер Трэвис Скотт и певица Ариана Гранде. Каждый из них исполнил в среднем по четыре трека.

Жеребьевка Евро-2024 прошла под женские стоны

Жеребьевка Евро-2024 прошла под женские стоны

Жеребьевка Евро-2024 прошла под женские стоны

Во время жеребьевки футбольного чемпионата Европы-2024 произошел конфуз. В самый разгар мероприятия раздались женские стоны.

Посторонние звуки появились в зале, когда участники жеребьевки распределяли команды из четвертой корзины. Прерывать церемонию из-за неприличных стонов не стали, а ведущий лишь улыбнулся.

Позднее стало известно, что автором пранка оказался блогер Дэниэл Джарвис. На странице одной из соцсетей он сообщил, что спрятал в зале телефон с эротическим рингтоном. Во время мероприятия шутник стал на него звонить.

Напомним, что жеребьевка Евро-2024 прошла в Германии 2 декабря. Будущие участники турнира узнали своих соперников по групповому этапу.

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How Does Fortnite Make Money?

How Does Fortnite Make Money?

How Does Fortnite Make Money?

On July 27, 2019, Fortnite celebrated its second birthday by hosting a huge extravaganza, fittingly dubbed as the Fortnite World Cup, and gave away millions of dollars in prizes. (By some accounts, the company gave away over $30 million in prizes). Kyle Bugha" Giersdorf, a 16-year-old from Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania won $3 million and the bragging rights of becoming Fortnite's first World Cup champion.

Fortnite is a free-to-play video game set in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested world. It was created by Tim Sweeney and released through Epic Games Inc. in July 2017. Fortnite has been a huge success, although the game's format is not entirely unique, there is a prevalence of shooter-type games in the industry. There are variations to its free-to-play business model, but everyone can play a fully functional game at no cost.

Fortnite's publisher, Epic Games, is currently engaged in a legal battle with both Apple and Google over the terms of both companies' app stores, and has been pulled from both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. More details are below in the "Key Challenges" section.

This free-to-play business model set Fortnite apart from its peers and has proven to be one of the reasons for its success. In its first 10 months, it amassed an audience of 125 million players and netted $1.2 billion in revenue. When the Fortnite App launched on iPhone on April 1, 2018, it reportedly made $2 million a day from players on Apple Inc.’s (AAPL) iOS. While other games have netted $1 billion in the first year after their launch, Fortnite was the first game to generate such a massive amount of revenue as a game that is offered for free by its developer.

Key Takeaways Fortnite is a free-to-play video game set in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested world that was created by Tim Sweeney and released through Epic Games Inc. in July 2017. In 2019, Fortnite brought in revenues of $1.8 billion. While most console releases make money from selling a hard copy or digital version of the game itself, Fortnite’s revenue comes entirely from microtransactions.

In 2019, Fortnite brought in revenues of $1.8 billion, according to data reported by SuperData Research, a Nielsen Company. As of March 2019, the CEO of Epic Games, Tim Sweeney, reported that there were close to 250 million Fortnite players.

Fortnite's Business Model

There are two games that fall under the Fortnite umbrella: Fortnite: Battle Royale, and a more recent version of the game, called Fortnite: Save the World, which was released in a paid-for early access version in July 2017. Although a free-to-play version was rumored, it has yet to become available. In Fortnite: Battle Royale, 100 players drop onto a storm-torn island and survive, fight, or build their way through a shrinking map in order to be the last one standing.

Fortnite is a multi-platform video game, so it can be played on computers, mobile phones, or consoles, including Sony’s (SNE) PS4, Microsoft’s (MSFT) Xbox One, and Nintendo’s (NTDOY) Switch device. The game is played, watched, and talked about obsessively by teenagers, celebrities, and athletes alike, which is the type of marketing muscle that allows Fortnite to make money, despite being free to play.

While many popular shooting games, such as Activision Blizzard’s (ATVI) Call of Duty franchise, attempt to mimic reality with graphic violence, Fortnite sets itself apart with its inclination towards comic mischief and customizable whimsy. Although players are competing for the coveted “Victory Royale,” they are also given the option to team up with one another in the "Save the World" version of the game.

Fortnite fans not only can play together, but they can also watch together. On March 14, 2018, a game of Fortnite attracted 630,000 concurrent viewers on Twitch TV, Amazon’s YouTube-like service for watching competitive video game streams, shattering the previous record of 388,000. During an October 2019 event hosted by Fortnite, there were more than 7 million concurrent viewers across Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube.

How Does Fortnite Make Money?

Ranked by February 2020 earnings, Fortnite was the fourth-highest grossing video game on consoles, according to SuperData Research. So, what is the secret behind Fortnite's success? How have they managed to make money by giving away their product free-of-charge? While most console releases make money from selling a hard copy or digital version of the game itself, Fortnite’s revenue comes entirely from microtransactions.

The monetization occurs when the player wants to acquire additions, dubbed "costumes" and "skins," which they have to purchase. While users can continue to play Fortnite for free, a vast majority of players pay for these ancillary products that generate vast amounts of revenue for Epic Games. The game also includes a unique feature called the "Battle Pass," which costs about $9.50 for a quarterly subscription.

Battle Pass generates the bulk of Fortnite's revenue. The quarterly fee gives the purchasing player exclusive access to the game’s system updates–like changes to the map and character features–that a free player does not get. Additionally, it allows the player to buy the game additions for a cheaper price than if they were to buy them separately.

In addition, Fortnite players also have the option of spending money on in-game currency, called “V-Bucks,” which can be used to make in-game purchases. Although there are special deals that incentivize players to purchase higher quantities of the in-game currency, the exchange rate is roughly one U.S. dollar to 100 V-Bucks.

Players cannot use V-Bucks to buy anything that will actually affect their performance in the game. Instead, the currency is used to purchase cosmetic skins, dances, and pre-released game modes, which range from 200 to 2,000 V-Bucks (or $2 to $20). Many accessories in the Fortnite shop are available on a limited-time basis, prompting players to purchase coveted items before they disappear from the virtual store.

The creators of Fortnite have managed to leverage the concept of exclusivity and merge it with an enjoyable user experience that incorporates a social component. This has proved to be a winning combination. Playing Fortnite for free would be fun for a while, but for many users, whatever sense of accomplishment they get from just playing the game may fade. By purchasing costumes, skins, Battle Passes, and V-Bucks, players can enhance their user experience.

This appears to add to their sense of achievement and compels them to continue playing. For example, once a player purchases a Battle Pass, and is exposed to the extra perquisites that it offers, they are unlikely to go back to playing the free version. Aside from the psychological rewards of experiencing something that is exclusive, the prospect of unlocking more content for their avatar appears to produce enjoyment, and users are willing to continue paying for this.

Has Free-to-Play Impacted the Gaming Industry?

Fortnite became a national and global phenomenon so quickly that industry leaders, such as Take-Two Interactive Inc. (TTWO), and Electronic Arts Inc. (EA), have not been able to offer much in the way of competition.

For its game, "Call of Duty: Black Ops 4," the company Blizzard Activision announced the development of a Fortnite-style game mode. While the video game giant appeared to be following in Fortnite’s footsteps, it stuck to a familiar business model. Call of Duty was priced at $59.99 and offered in-game purchases. This suggests that many in the analyst community attribute Fortnite’s success to its innovative game mode rather than its business model.

So, as long as Fortnite continues to be innovative, then it should continue to experience success. But what happens if that spark of creativity wears out? What if the release of new skins, new dances, and new features does not translate to the expected amount of microtransactions that are the foundation of Fortnite's profitability? Epic Games seems to be wary of just such an outcome and has made efforts to diversify the Fortnite experience in order to stay ahead of its competition.

Key Challenges

Although Fortnite has been unbelievably popular over the last few years, there is evidence that the phenomenon is fading somewhat. Notably, viewership for competitive Fortnite games has declined. In addition, data for the highest-earning games in the month of June 2019, released by Superdata, shows a significant drop in Fortnite’s profits in relation to both its past performance as well as its competitors.

The key challenge for any product is to keep its existing customer base, while also trying to attract new customers. In the gaming industry, this is especially true given the fickle nature of the players, mostly younger with limited attention spans. The consensus appears to be that Fortnite lacks variety, especially when compared to its main competitors.

While it has slipped, Fortnite is still considered to be a cash cow for Epic Games. Whether it continues to be a consistent moneymaker going forward will largely depend on whether it can be successful in adapting to a quickly changing marketplace. Epic Games has not indicated that it will adopt a more traditional business model.

A major fight started between Apple and Fortnite's creator, Epic Games, beginning on August 13, 2020 when Epic Games released a version of Fortnite on the Apple App Store that allowed users to make in-game purchases without giving Apple the 30% Apple normally takes from micro-transactions. Apple pulled Fortnite from the App Store and Epic Games sued Apple the same day, saying Apple's payment system violated antitrust laws. Later on that same day, Google pulled Fortnite from the Google Play Store and Epic Games responded with a similar lawsuit. Fortnite is still available on Android devices, just not via the Google Play Store. Apple's control over its app store had already been under investigation by European regulators, the U.S. Justice Department, and U.S. state attorneys general.     On August 28, Apple prevented Epic Games from creating or updating apps on Apple platforms by suspending Epic's developer account, and on September 8, 2020, filed a breach of contract suit against Epic Games.  

What is Fortnite: A look at the video game that has become a phenomenon

What is Fortnite: A look at the video game that has become a phenomenon

What is 'Fortnite'?: A look at the video game that has become a phenomenon

People crowd the display area for "Fortnite" at the Electronic Expo, or E3 2018, in Los Angeles on June 12, 2018, where hardware manufacturers, software developers and the video game industry present their new games. Frederic J. Brown / AFP - Getty Images

June 30, 2018, 3:27 PM UTC / Updated June 30, 2018, 3:27 PM UTC By Sarah LeBoeuf

If there’s a gamer in your household, you’ve likely heard of “Fortnite,” the multiplayer phenomenon that’s taken over the world — and the news cycle.

The game burst onto the scene in late 2017 and is now one of the most successful video games ever. Here’s what you need to know:

What is “Fortnite” and where did it come from?

“Fortnite” was published by North Carolina-based studio Epic Games and released in “early access” form last summer. That means it’s technically still in development, even though you can purchase it now for $59.99. The game is what’s known as an open-world survival game, in which players collect resources, make tools and weapons, and try to stay alive as long as possible.

The game is set on modern-day Earth, but most of humanity has disappeared. One of the game’s core mechanics is collecting materials to build protective fortifications.

A few months after its initial launch, Epic Games dropped “Fortnite Battle Royale,” a free mode using assets and gameplay elements from the main game in which 100 people square off against each other in a fight for survival — with the last living player crowned the winner.

This is when “Fortnite” really started to take off — 10 million people were playing within weeks of its release. The battle royale mode is what remains incredibly popular and what most people are talking about when they talk about “Fortnite.”

How big is it?

It’s huge. Epic Games has been quiet about the total number of players, but we know that as of January “Fortnite” had around 45 million active players across all platforms and that number is only going to go up, especially with the recent release of the game on Nintendo’s popular Switch console.

And that still doesn’t even account for the many people who tune in just to watch others play on streaming sites like Twitch and YouTube. There’s something distinctly watchable about this battle royale, its art style, mechanics and fanbase provide endless entertainment, and even celebrities like Drake are getting in on the action.

If “Fortnite” is mostly free, does that mean it’s going to run out of money?

Not anytime soon, that’s for sure. “Fortnite” gets a large chunk of its revenue from microtransactions (small purchases to buy in-game currency) — it’s making over $300 million a month at this point.

Microtransactions are in-game purchases that cost real money in exchange for in-game currency, which can be used to buy various items and skins (slang for how a player looks in the game). Even if a decent portion of players are only chipping in $10 or $20 for some V-Bucks (the game's currency), that adds up to a lot of money when you consider the player base of the game.

Why has this particular game gotten so big?

“Fortnite” is uniquely welcoming to newcomers, which isn’t true of all online shooter-style games.

Because it’s free, there are always inexperienced players jumping into a match for the first time. Sure, you’re probably not going to top the competition and achieve a No. 1 victory royale on the first try, or even the tenth, but you’re always welcome to keep on trying. You’ll get a chance to observe how experienced players act — when they build, how they stay alive — and have fun along the way, which is really all that matters.

And if it’s not for you, that’s fine too, at least now you have a better understanding of what the fuss is all about.

What does “battle royale” even mean?

Battle royale is a gameplay genre that uses strategy and survival elements in a last-man-standing arena, much like in the Japanese movie of the same name (or, more recently, "The Hunger Games"). It was popularized by the PC/Xbox One game "PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds," which came out earlier in 2017, and “Fortnite” built on that existing formula while adding some new tricks of its own.

In “Fortnite," battle royale means up to 100 players on a single map trying to be the last person or squad standing as the safe zones get smaller and smaller, forcing all remaining players together. It uses the building mechanics of the core game, so players can create platforms and walls to either get a better vantage point or hide from enemy fire. These structures aren’t impenetrable — you can’t just build four walls and a roof and call it a day.

“Fortnite” is played entirely online with real people, not bots, so every match might be a little different. This is part of the reason for its staying power, despite having only one map. This also allows the developers to make frequent changes and additions, with new “seasons” bringing new story elements and changes.

Is “Fortnite” OK for kids to play?

“Fortnite” is rated T for Teen by the Entertainment Software Rating Board, meaning it’s generally appropriate for ages 13 and up. Some callouts from the ESRB website include “players use guns, swords, and grenades to fight skeleton-like monsters (husks) in ranged and melee-style combat” and “Battles are highlighted by frequent gunfire, explosions, and cries of pain”—about what you’d expect from a PG-13 action flick.

That rating comes with a huge caveat, though, because online interactions are not rated by the ESRB, and “Fortnite Battle Royale" is entirely online. Obviously, only you can decide what games are best for your children, but you should definitely be aware of what they’re playing and with whom, just like with any other online behavior.

I think I want to give this “Fortnite” thing a shot. Where can I get it?

Because of its massive popularity, Epic Games is bringing “Fortnite” to as many platforms as possible. It’s available to download on PC and Mac, as well as all current-generation home video game consoles.

The Nintendo Switch version launched earlier this month, and it even has cross-play with Xbox One, a rarity. Sony’s PlayStation 4, meanwhile, refuses to join the cross-play party, but you can still play “Fortnite” with your buddies who have that system. That means you can play on your Xbox One using the TV alongside your significant other while they’re curled up with the Switch.

You can even download a mobile version on iOS, with the Android counterpart due out later this year. And, again, it’s free to jump into the battle royale, so why not give it a shot and see what all the hype is about? Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Когда жеребьевка евро 2024, жеребьевка евро 2024 смотреть онлайн, прямая трансляция жеребьевки евро 2024, результаты жеребьевки чемпионата европы 2024, онлайн трансляция жеребьевки евро 2024 - 2 декабря 2023 - Sport24

Когда жеребьевка евро 2024, жеребьевка евро 2024 смотреть онлайн, прямая трансляция жеребьевки евро 2024, результаты жеребьевки чемпионата европы 2024, онлайн трансляция жеребьевки евро 2024 - 2 декабря 2023 - Sport24

Жеребьевка Евро-2024: смотреть онлайн, трансляция, результаты

Жеребьевка финальной стадии чемпионата Европы 2024 года пройдет в субботу, 2 декабря, в Гамбурге.

Церемония жеребьевки начнется в 20:00 по московскому времени.

Прямая трансляция жеребьевки будет доступна на официальном сайте УЕФА и на телеканале «Матч! Футбол 2». Также следить за событиями жеребьевки можно будет на Sport24 по данной ссылке .

Хозяйка турнира сборная Германии автоматически вышла в финальную часть. Еще 20 команд гарантировали себе место в финальном турнире по итогам квалификации (по две лучшие в каждой из 10 отборочных групп). Обладетели трех последних путевок будут определены в стыковых матчах, которые состоятся в марте 2024 года. В «стыки» по результатам выступлений в Лиге наций-2022/23 вышли 12 команд. С 21 по 26 марта 2024 года пройдут шесть полуфиналов и три финала, победители которых дополнят список участников финального турнира из 24 команд.

Команды распределены по четырем корзинам (1, 2, 3, 4) в соответствии с их результатами на групповом этапе квалификации. Сборная Германии в качестве хозяйки турнира заранее определена в корзину 1 и не будет участвовать в жеребьевке, поскольку автоматически попадает в группу A. Три будущих победителя «стыков» попадут в корзину 4.

Другие шесть корзин (A, B, C, D, E, F) понадобятся для жеребьевки соответствующих позиций команд в каждой группе. В корзинах B-F будет по четыре шара, каждый из которых представляет соответствующую позицию в группе (например, B1, B2, B3 и B4). В корзине A будет всего три шара для позиций A2, A3 и A4 в группе A, поскольку Германия автоматически получит позицию A1.

Корзины жеребьевки финальной стадии

Корзина 1 : Германия (хозяйка), Португалия, Франция, Испания, Бельгия, Англия,

Корзина 2 : Венгрия, Турция, Румыния, Дания, Албания, Австрия,

Корзина 3 : Нидерланды, Шотландия, Хорватия, Словения, Словакия, Чехия,

Корзина 4 : Италия, Сербия, Швейцария, победитель пути A стыковых матчей, победитель пути В стыковых матчей, победитель пути С стыковых матчей.

Формат чемпионата Европы 2024 года будет таким же, как и на Евро-2020. В 1/8 финала выйдут по две лучшие команды из шести групп, а также четыре лучших обладателя третьих мест. Затем турнир продолжится по классической схеме плей-офф: 1/8 финала, четвертьфинал, полуфинал и финал.

Чемпионат Европы 2024 года пройдет с 14 июня по 14 июля.

Fortnite стала дисциплиной Олимпийских киберспортивных игр, но есть нюанс

Fortnite стала дисциплиной Олимпийских киберспортивных игр, но есть нюанс

Fortnite стала дисциплиной Олимпийских киберспортивных игр, но есть нюанс

Международный олимпийский комитет (МОК) сообщил о расширении программы «Олимпийской киберспортивной серии 2023» (Olympic Esports Series 2023, OES 2023) до десяти дисциплин.

Источник изображения: Epic Games

Напомним, OES 2023 представляет собой серию международных виртуальных соревнований в видеоиграх по мотивам разных видов спорта: автоспорт (Gran Turismo 7), танцы (Just Dance 2023), тхэквондо (Virtual Taekwondo) и так далее.

Как стало известно, к девяти уже подтверждённым дисциплинам добавилась спортивная стрельба, состязания по которой будут проводиться в условно-бесплатном мультиплеерном шутере от третьего лица Fortnite.

Источник изображения: МОК

Состязаться в королевской битве участникам турнира не придётся. Специально для OES 2023 в Fortnite будет создан специальный остров, на котором киберспортсменов проверят на меткость, прямо как на соревнованиях по спортивной стрельбе.

Помериться меткостью в Fortnite на OES 2023 смогут 12 игроков из турнирной серии Fortnite Champion Series. Как именно будут отбираться участники, не уточняется — ближайший чемпионат завершится лишь в октябре.

Источник изображения: МОК

Отборочные раунды в других дисциплинах для допуска к OES 2023 стартовали ещё 1 марта. Финал соревнований пройдёт в сингапурском многофункциональном центре Suntec City с 22 по 25 июня текущего года.

Собравшиеся перед сингапурской публикой киберспортсмены сразятся за «престижный титул» чемпиона Olympic Esports Series 2023. «Захватывающий финал» будет транслироваться на сайте и в соцсетях МОК.


Fortnite’ Servers Are Down, Here’s When Chapter 5, Season 1 Begins

Fortnite’ Servers Are Down, Here’s When Chapter 5, Season 1 Begins

‘Fortnite’ Servers Are Down, Here’s When Chapter 5, Season 1 Begins

Fortnite OG, after less than a month-long season, has come to an end. The wildly popular season, which returned to the original map, saw over 100 million players over the course of November, making it the most popular season of the free-to-play Battle Royale game ever.

The OG season was capped off by a massive live-event featuring rapper Eminem. The Big Bang event also showed off three new games coming to the Fortnite experience:

LEGO Fortnite — A survival/crafting LEGO adventure. Rocket Racing — A racing game developed by Rocket League studio Psynonix. Fortnite Festival — A music game developed by Rock Band studio Harmonix where you can play in bands solo or with friends. This is kicking off with The Weeknd on December 9th Forbes Vetted For You The Best Gaming Mouse That’ll Improve Your Aim Jon Martindale Contributor

The live-event was so popular that many players, including me, were met with hour-long queues and couldn’t login to join the fun. Fortunately, Epic is running the event two more times today.

Now, Epic has disabled all Fortnite experiences and game modes except player-created content for the rest of the day as the game’s developers prepare for Chapter 5, Season 1. The new season is being called Underground. You can watch the trailer for the new season (featuring Family Guy’s Peter Griffin and Metal Gear’s Snake) right here.

All of this is anticipation of the new Chapter 5, Season 1 and a brand new map. Servers will be going down later so that Epic can push the update. Server downtime kicks off at 11:30 pm ET / 8:30 pm PT. Typically these big seasonal updates take a few hours, and this one might take a bit longer given it’s a brand new Chapter as well, with a whole new map and more. There’s not an exact time for the new season to go live, but expect it sometime early morning on Sunday, December 3rd. You should be able to install the update by the time you wake up in the morning.

The three new games—LEGO Fortnite, Rocket Racing and Fortnite Festival—will all kick off after the start of the new season next week.

Update — Servers Are Down!

Servers are now down and Fortnite is unplayable until Epic pushes the new patch. This one is going to take longer than usual according to the developer. When the update is ready, be prepared for a large download.

“Patch sizes may be larger than usual,” the Fortnite Status Twitter/X account tweeted. “We will update you when it is available to start installing.”

The influx of players during Saturday’s big live-event (which ran three times over the course of the day) led to a number of technical issues, causing Epic to bring down various game modes including Save The World in order to stabilize performance. At one point, Fortnite was down completely.

Chapter 5, Season 1 will launch as soon as the patch is complete, though it’s unclear when exactly that will be. Most new seasons launch early in the morning, often well before most people are up playing video games. This one might take longer due to the larger size of the patch. New Chapters, which come with brand new maps and a bunch of other big changes, typically have larger update sizes.

I will monitor the game’s status and update this post when it goes live. Get ready for a new map, crossovers with Family Guy, LEGO, Metal Gear Solid, and weapon mods, as well as improved movement, a new Battle Pass and much more. Stay tuned for more updates.

Learning the Island Landscape in Fortnite® - Carla Mooney - Google Книги

Learning the Island Landscape in Fortnite® - Carla Mooney - Google Книги

Learning the Island Landscape in Fortnite®

In Fortnite Battle Royale, knowing the layout of the island is key to landing that coveted Victory Royale, and earning all those bragging rights that come with it. The island itself is littered with building materials, potions, weapons, and other valuable resources, and knowing where to look for them gives a player a huge advantage when a match begins. This illuminating guide helps players to map out the island landscape, learn where to land, how to move around, and how to take advantage of every hill, tree, and crevasse.

Fortnite x LEGO Mode Leak: Release Date and Everything We Know

Fortnite x LEGO Mode Leak: Release Date and Everything We Know

Fortnite x LEGO Mode Leak: Release Date and Everything We Know The Lego x Fortnite collaboration was officially confirmed. Here's all we know about the upcoming game mode. Dec 2, 2023 8:29 PM

The highly anticipated collaboration between Fortnite and LEGO has been officially announced by both Fortnite leakers and LEGO's official X accounts. This exciting partnership promises to bring a whole new gaming experience to Fortnite players in the upcoming chapter. Here's a breakdown of what we know about LEGOFortnite.

Is LEGO Coming to Fortnite?

Absolutely! The LEGO x Fortnite collaboration has been officially confirmed by various sources. A recently unveiled trailer showcases a Fortnite character transforming into a Minifig through the simple act of shaking a LEGO block.

The visuals presented in the trailer are stunning, embodying the bright, fun, and colorful style that aligns perfectly with LEGO's aesthetic. Watch the LEGO x Fortnite trailer here When is LEGO Coming to Fortnite?

LEGO is set to make its debut in Fortnite on December 7th, 2023.

What is the LEGO x Fortnite Mode?

The upcoming LEGO x Fortnite mode is poised to revolutionize gameplay with a burst of excitement and vibrant colors. Leaked information has provided intriguing insights into what this collaboration will offer:

Crafting and Auto-Crafting: Expect a new dimension of gameplay with the inclusion of crafting and auto-crafting features. Custom Inventories: This collaboration introduces custom inventories, enhancing the player experience with personalized item management. LEGO-Inspired Weapons and Abilities: Get ready for a unique twist as Fortnite integrates LEGO-inspired weapons and abilities into the gaming landscape. Fortnite NPCs Collecting Resources: The game will feature Fortnite NPCs dedicated to collecting resources for players, adding an exciting dynamic to the gaming environment.

The LEGO x Fortnite collaboration promises a fusion of creativity, color, and engaging gameplay, making it an eagerly awaited addition to the Fortnite universe. Prepare for a December 7th launch date that will undoubtedly mark a new chapter in Fortnite's gaming experience.

Fortnite - IGN

Fortnite - IGN


Thanks to the freedom of its outstanding building mechanic, Fortnite Battle Royale isn’t just a great battle royale game – it’s one of the best multiplayer games in recent history.

Austen Golsin Summary

Prepare your home base for an onslaught of marauders in Fortnite, a game project created by Epic Games.

Content Rating Violence, In-Game Purchases, Users Interact Developers Publishers Initial Release Jul 25, 2017 Fortnite News

Fortnite OG and the Original Map Will Return in 2024 Due to Their Overwhelming Popularity

2h ago - After all, Fortnite OG did give Fortnite its 'biggest day' ever with 44.7 million players jumping in.

Fortnite Chapter 5: Underground Adds LEGO Style Outfits, a New Island, Peter Griffin, and More 3h ago - This new chapter's Battle Pass will also see the addition of Solid Snake later on.

Fortnite's Big Bang Event Was an Epic Adventure That Sets Up New LEGO, Racing, and Music Games

14h ago - Watch the full event and get ready for LEGO Fortnite, Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival.

LEGO Fortnite Is a New Survival Crafting Game Headed to Fortnite Next Week 15h ago - Build, Play, and Survive on December 7.


Fortnite: Full Big Bang Event Gameplay (ft. Eminem)


Check Out the Fortnite Chapter 5: Underground Launch Trailer 20h ago - Kept you waiting huh.

It Looks Like Fortnite Is Finally Getting Peter Griffin 1d ago - Snakes and Griffins.


Watch the Latest Fortnite Chapter 4: Season OG Trailer 9d ago - See what's back in the latest update.

Fortnite Will Feature Eminem at the Centre of Its Big Bang Event 10d ago - Slim Shady Stilts.

Fortnite Is Removing Its Controversial Age-Gating on Most Skins and Cosmetics 12d ago - Fewer than 10 skins will continue to be gated after December 3 update.

Back To Top All Interactive Maps and Locations

Chapter 2 Map Only visible to you Not Recommended 3

It's closer to a money laundering scheme than a game. Why does Epic expect me to give them $20 to have pink pickaxe?

Fortnite. Энциклопедия стратегии для фортнайтеров - Джейсон Рич - Google Книги

Fortnite. Энциклопедия стратегии для фортнайтеров - Джейсон Рич - Google Книги

Fortnite. Энциклопедия стратегии для фортнайтеров

«Энциклопедия стратегии для фортнайтеров» – это яркий и простой для понимания справочник по миру Fortnite, включающий огромное количество скриншотов, в котором описывается совершенно всё, что нужно знать игрокам для успешной победы в матчах и выживания.Энциклопедия представляет собой полный обзор игры, который поможет начинающим игрокам быстро адаптироваться в ней, а более опытным подарит множество советов и стратегий, с помощью которых они сумеют улучшить свои навыки выживания.